Saturday, April 10, 2010

Activism Log 7

Adam Green
Nina Perez
WST 3015

This week I finished emailing my assigned states' women's studies departments. It has not been the most exciting thing in the world for me to do. But, I have been passionate about this campaign. Emailing letters is just part of the work that must be done. I am pretty sure Alice Paul had some tedious days too. She was not emailing back then, but I am sure she was in the business of writing letters or communication to others for support. It is fundemental for this process. We cannot fight for a federal holiday in our small classroom in Central Florida.

Suffrage for women has been a benefit for all of us. It has taught us to fight for access and human rights. Today, as we face current issues that are being endured by a marginalized people, like gay marriage rights or the mommy tax we have a successful history of activism to look back on. For example Crrttenden explains the cost of being a mother: "Working mothers not only earn less that men, but also less per hour than childless women even after such differences as education and experience are factored out"(Crittenden 340). Our society still finds unique ways to marginalize the experiences of women. This is why we must all continue to fight for women's equality. Alice Paul was the originator of the Equal Rights Amendment. Perhaps such a kind of legal protection could end the wage gap. Her efforts were momentous for that time. She never lived to see the ERA passed. It is still not a reality for America. Knowing our condition, however is the reason we must change. We must carry on the fight of Alice Paul, by never forgetting her legacy, and fighting for women's equality.
I feel accomplished in a way. I kept hoping that my list of universities to email will shorten. It finally did. I have learned to gain strength from the legacy of Alice Paul. There is still so much unfinished business in the matters of freedom, equality, and liberation. I must reconsider the small prices I must pay, sacrifice, and struggle until we can all claim victory for the legacy of Alice Paul.

Works Cited

Crittenden, Ann. "The Mommy Tax. "Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. 5th Ed.New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 337-345.

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